Wednesday, February 14, 2024

Bf109G-6 of Heinz Hunig, 5./JG2


Schwarze 12, W.Nr 27 083, of Heinz Hunig, 5./JG2 at Juvincourt, autumn 1943. Hunig was lost in this aicraft on October 20:th 1943. It's a striking aircraft with the yellow trim on the numerals and an interesting wingroot decoration. I created the profile for a decal sheet that never happened so now I'm posting it on my blog with the goal of posting more than once every other year! 

The pattern of the wing camouflage is interesting as it doesn't match the regular saw toothed pattern of Erla built aircraft. The W.Nr batch seems to be an anomaly in that regard. 


  1. Welcome back!! Glad to see some more of your awesome work Anders. Any chance you can do some K-4 profiles, now that Kotare has announced they'll be releasing a 1/32 kit of this version?


  2. ..very nicely done Anders! You should do you own decals, people would buy them for the artwork..
